Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Difference Demonstrated

Do you recognise this person?
He is one of Nu Skin's USD20Million circle members, CC Shih, Team Elite.
It was an honor to spend 1 hour with this great person and understand how he and his late wife created such a large empire and residual wealth.
His advice was simple and straight forward. Focus on depth and always do the right thing, there are no short cuts in this business. If you do this, you WILL SUCCEED!
I really felt envigorated after this chat with CC. Next time when you see a Million Dollar Circle member, Team Elite or Blue Diamond, catch then and ask them how you can become successful. Don't miss a chance, it may be exactly what you need to know.

Attraction Success!

Today's event is the below:

Do you see these 2 guys beside me? Yes, we all agreed to wear red silk. :) I have to acknowledge Hendrix Wong (on my right) and David Cheong (my left) and the entire Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore and Indonesia team for making our trip so FUN and MEMORABLE!
Thanks Hendrix & David!

Here's my teacher, Joseph Cheung, Team Elite and USD 5 Million Circle Member! An architect by profession for 10 years, until he was introduced to Nu Skin. I'm always learning from his example and he is a constant reminder to us of what type of life Nu Skin can give us, TOTAL FREEDOM!

Here we go, it seems like, Blue Diamonds HockSeng and Nancy and I are always together. Well, if I were you, I'd want to learn as much from HockSeng and Nancy as I can. By the way, he is Mr. TRA in MADE! Lost 20cm from his waist in 12 weeks!

Doesn't Janet Cheung, Team Elite & 5MCM look great? Thanks for making a difference to us and being there for us!
What's possible? Well, how about these 3 young people (1 account) being new USD 1 Million Circle Members from CHINA! They are so committed, so full of Energy and so Passionate, it's amazing to see. And the great thing about these Global Conventions, is that you get to meet these amazing people everywhere and learn from them. Like I did from Max, the 1st BD in France and Youngest in Europe!

Oh, by the way, a USD1 Million Circle Member proves 2 things:
1) YES! Nu Skin's plan REALLY WORKS and you can get paid.
2) It means that "TO PERSEVERE" REALLT WORKS too! You eventually make it!

Are you convinced now?

Here's a quick sharing by our one and only Ms. Monica Lam, Team Elite!

Here's our Andrew Fan, President of Greater China on the fundamentals!

One of the things that I'm most proud of about Nu Skin is the fact that we don't just "begin with the end in mind" to be a Team Elite, but we "begin with a FORCE FOR GOOD mind" instead! And when you contribute and contribute and contribute, you will attract incredible results.

We contribute when we share with friends a better product, we contribute when we make a difference to someone, we contribute when we stand out and give testimonials, etc. The key is not to wait to be asked, but to find areas to conrtibute! If you do this, Success is assured!

This is what Blake Roney, Chairmand and Founder has to say about Good People:

PeyChing from Taiwan has EB, a disease that causes blisters and very fragile skin. They are so fragile, that these children are called butterfly children. PeyChing's mother, in order to prevent her fingers to fuse together, taught her piano. Actually, every touch of her fingers on the keys are painful. But despite the pain, PayChing can play incredibly well. In fact she played during the convention sessions. Through Nu Skin's donations from the Force For Good Foundation, Stanford University is in progress to test a new treatment for EB children! That's great news!

In the afternoon we had great workshops from different regions and I was able to learn so much from successful leaders. Here are some quotes:

"Leaders Teach How to Teach" - Ron Lieske, Pig Farmer.
"It's not HOW I could manage 4 children and build a business, its the WHY I could do it. If you know WHY, the HOW will come out." - Giselle Sexsmith, Team Elite and USD20 MCM
"Do you know EXACTLY what you want? Answer that like you would your name." - Max Picinini, Blue Diamond
"Never Ever Ever Give up! And you will Succeed" - Jeff, Team Elite. Took him 6 months to be Diamond, but 8 years to be BD. Now he is a Team Elite 5 years in a row!
"Stay plugged in to the system and training, commit daily, weekly and monthly to the business; so that you are an example to your team." - Charley Patterson, Team Eilte, Ex Wake Boarding Professional.

At night we had the Gala to recognise the Team Elites. Before the recognition, they got us in the mood....Guess the song?

It was an powerful event, see for yourself how the new Team Elites parade out:

At every convention, Nu Skin brings great entertainment for us, we had Olivia Newton John and Lional Richie once!!! This time it was Robin Gibs from Bee Gees!

Do you know what this is?

And this is how it happened! Guess the Song!

OK. After 3 days of Global Convention, it has been a memorable, ENERGY PACKED, FUN and totally Enlightening experience for me personally.
I decided that when I was at the convention, I would go back to being a student again, so I took crazy notes, I recorded the talks on mp3 and video, I asked questions, I talked to leaders, I made great friends and I also got to go on stage and had an incredible 4 mins with Blake Roney!
By the way, it was my 1st time attending a Global Convention and I feel incredibly lucky and proud to be with Nu Skin! Aren't you? You Should you know...
Anyway, go get an A+ in life, by showing someone how to get an A in his/her life. Be in contribution always and show up exactly as Blake said in the video above.
Oh, prepare for the HK Regional Convention 2008, May 14-16, See you there!
You might be wondering why the title, The Difference Demonstrated. Well, I sincerely hope that you have 'seen' through this sharing (blog) that Nu Skin truly does live up to its philosophy of All of the good, none of the Bad and being a FORCE FOR GOOD in the world and that we have live up to our culture, products, science and opportunity, this is...



Attract Positive Values Everytime Everywhere!

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