Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Difference Demonstrated

Do you recognise this person?
He is one of Nu Skin's USD20Million circle members, CC Shih, Team Elite.
It was an honor to spend 1 hour with this great person and understand how he and his late wife created such a large empire and residual wealth.
His advice was simple and straight forward. Focus on depth and always do the right thing, there are no short cuts in this business. If you do this, you WILL SUCCEED!
I really felt envigorated after this chat with CC. Next time when you see a Million Dollar Circle member, Team Elite or Blue Diamond, catch then and ask them how you can become successful. Don't miss a chance, it may be exactly what you need to know.

Attraction Success!

Today's event is the below:

Do you see these 2 guys beside me? Yes, we all agreed to wear red silk. :) I have to acknowledge Hendrix Wong (on my right) and David Cheong (my left) and the entire Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore and Indonesia team for making our trip so FUN and MEMORABLE!
Thanks Hendrix & David!

Here's my teacher, Joseph Cheung, Team Elite and USD 5 Million Circle Member! An architect by profession for 10 years, until he was introduced to Nu Skin. I'm always learning from his example and he is a constant reminder to us of what type of life Nu Skin can give us, TOTAL FREEDOM!

Here we go, it seems like, Blue Diamonds HockSeng and Nancy and I are always together. Well, if I were you, I'd want to learn as much from HockSeng and Nancy as I can. By the way, he is Mr. TRA in MADE! Lost 20cm from his waist in 12 weeks!

Doesn't Janet Cheung, Team Elite & 5MCM look great? Thanks for making a difference to us and being there for us!
What's possible? Well, how about these 3 young people (1 account) being new USD 1 Million Circle Members from CHINA! They are so committed, so full of Energy and so Passionate, it's amazing to see. And the great thing about these Global Conventions, is that you get to meet these amazing people everywhere and learn from them. Like I did from Max, the 1st BD in France and Youngest in Europe!

Oh, by the way, a USD1 Million Circle Member proves 2 things:
1) YES! Nu Skin's plan REALLY WORKS and you can get paid.
2) It means that "TO PERSEVERE" REALLT WORKS too! You eventually make it!

Are you convinced now?

Here's a quick sharing by our one and only Ms. Monica Lam, Team Elite!

Here's our Andrew Fan, President of Greater China on the fundamentals!

One of the things that I'm most proud of about Nu Skin is the fact that we don't just "begin with the end in mind" to be a Team Elite, but we "begin with a FORCE FOR GOOD mind" instead! And when you contribute and contribute and contribute, you will attract incredible results.

We contribute when we share with friends a better product, we contribute when we make a difference to someone, we contribute when we stand out and give testimonials, etc. The key is not to wait to be asked, but to find areas to conrtibute! If you do this, Success is assured!

This is what Blake Roney, Chairmand and Founder has to say about Good People:

PeyChing from Taiwan has EB, a disease that causes blisters and very fragile skin. They are so fragile, that these children are called butterfly children. PeyChing's mother, in order to prevent her fingers to fuse together, taught her piano. Actually, every touch of her fingers on the keys are painful. But despite the pain, PayChing can play incredibly well. In fact she played during the convention sessions. Through Nu Skin's donations from the Force For Good Foundation, Stanford University is in progress to test a new treatment for EB children! That's great news!

In the afternoon we had great workshops from different regions and I was able to learn so much from successful leaders. Here are some quotes:

"Leaders Teach How to Teach" - Ron Lieske, Pig Farmer.
"It's not HOW I could manage 4 children and build a business, its the WHY I could do it. If you know WHY, the HOW will come out." - Giselle Sexsmith, Team Elite and USD20 MCM
"Do you know EXACTLY what you want? Answer that like you would your name." - Max Picinini, Blue Diamond
"Never Ever Ever Give up! And you will Succeed" - Jeff, Team Elite. Took him 6 months to be Diamond, but 8 years to be BD. Now he is a Team Elite 5 years in a row!
"Stay plugged in to the system and training, commit daily, weekly and monthly to the business; so that you are an example to your team." - Charley Patterson, Team Eilte, Ex Wake Boarding Professional.

At night we had the Gala to recognise the Team Elites. Before the recognition, they got us in the mood....Guess the song?

It was an powerful event, see for yourself how the new Team Elites parade out:

At every convention, Nu Skin brings great entertainment for us, we had Olivia Newton John and Lional Richie once!!! This time it was Robin Gibs from Bee Gees!

Do you know what this is?

And this is how it happened! Guess the Song!

OK. After 3 days of Global Convention, it has been a memorable, ENERGY PACKED, FUN and totally Enlightening experience for me personally.
I decided that when I was at the convention, I would go back to being a student again, so I took crazy notes, I recorded the talks on mp3 and video, I asked questions, I talked to leaders, I made great friends and I also got to go on stage and had an incredible 4 mins with Blake Roney!
By the way, it was my 1st time attending a Global Convention and I feel incredibly lucky and proud to be with Nu Skin! Aren't you? You Should you know...
Anyway, go get an A+ in life, by showing someone how to get an A in his/her life. Be in contribution always and show up exactly as Blake said in the video above.
Oh, prepare for the HK Regional Convention 2008, May 14-16, See you there!
You might be wondering why the title, The Difference Demonstrated. Well, I sincerely hope that you have 'seen' through this sharing (blog) that Nu Skin truly does live up to its philosophy of All of the good, none of the Bad and being a FORCE FOR GOOD in the world and that we have live up to our culture, products, science and opportunity, this is...



Attract Positive Values Everytime Everywhere!

Friday, September 7, 2007

A Big Day

KC couldn't join me this time because she's helping the team back home in Malaysia and Jasmine Teh who's qualifying for BD this December 2007!!!!

Jayee, KC, love you! Miss you all!

Are you ready for this? (this is a long one...)

Today was a BIG Day! It's the Nourish the Children Ambassador and Blue Diamond and Million Dollar Circle Member Recognition as the Energy Solutions Arena, Nu Skin Theatre (BTW, it's permanently named!). Here I am...

Look who got recognised as Ambassadors! Do you know these wonderful people?

Razimah, Hock Seng and Nancy, Jonathan and Evelyn and kids! They got Huge Hearts!

After the NTC Recognition, we were rushed to a room to get prepared to go on stage...

While lining up at the back stage... OK, here's how we line up....

We met a another New Blue Diamond from France, Max! He is 26 years old and started when he was 21. Here he is...

Want to know something even more FANTASTIC???? He's the 1st Blue Diamond in France! I asked if he could give some words of encouragement to the team back home and he agreed without a seconds hesitation. Guys, please listen to the this amazing young leader!

Thanks Max!

OK! Would like to know how it feels to be on stage? Yes? Check this out...

OK! I know it wasn't really clear and it was sort of last minute, very jerky motion and you almost want to faint because of the speed of the video. So, if you can do a BETTER job, GO AHEAD! Go on stage and take the video yourself lah! He he he! Be a BLUE DIAMOND and walk the stage yourself!

Can you imagine what that feels like?

Can you imagine the ENERGY, EXCITEMENT and FEELING?! Imagine it being REAL and it WILL!

Andrew and Monica, Team Elite came to congratulate us! We just love them!

Later, I got another surprise! A USD40Million photo! Check it out!

Dr. Lang Chuo and Jean, Team Elite and USD20Million Circle Member (Left) & Pat and Marguerite Sung, Team Elite and USD20Million Circle Member (Right) are our 11th and 9th uplines! Great Great Grand Parents in Nu Skin! Their leadership, guidence and inspiration has really set an example to us all. The are so passionate and committed to the business and you can see how caring and giving they are. We can must be grateful to them and learn from their vision and example.

Ok something interesting about the Galvanic Spa II sales...Can you see it from the pictures below?

The growth of the Galvanic Spa II sales in the top 5 markets looks pretty exponential to me, what do you think?

Just in USA alone, this is the growth in the past 17 months! Amazing!

Oh... HOT TIP: Since the Tru Face Line Corrector is POSITIVELY charged, you can use the Galvanic Spa II to increase the penetration and absorbtion of it into the skin!!!!! And IT WORKS! Wrinkles AWAY!

As I was walking along in the Nu Skin Product Plaza, I came upon this brick.... :)

Then I saw other bricks too....

Cool eh?!
Now if you like Comedy, then you got to love Bill Cosby! People ask him why is he not stopping and still doing talks and entertaining?! He answered: "DO MORE, GIVE MORE, THERE IS NO REASON STOPPING HERE! MOVE IT!" (I had to use capital letters, because, that was how he said it. He said it with ENERGY, COMMITMENT and PASSION. How would you say it?) Here's a short clip on his genius:

The Million Dollar Circle Member Recognition was the BEST EVER! (from the other leaders, who came on previous trips). It was a Broadway Show! 1st the new USD 1Million Circle Members were introduced, then the USD 5 Million, then the USD 10 Million and finaly the USD 20 Million.

Oh, by the way, if you are wondering....Nu Skin Enterprises have created todate, 524 USD Millionaires the MOST ANY COMPANY has ever created. And we just added another 6 NEW USD20 Million Circle Members (that's a total of 22 USD 20 Million Circle Members)!

This is the ending of the show, it's fun, enjoy! BE YOUR BEST! Always!



Attract Millions!

Interview with Blake Roney, Founder & Chairman of Nu Skin Enterprises

Here is a short clip of the interview with Blake Roney:

Thursday, September 6, 2007

You Aint Seen Nothing Yet!

Today was a spectacular day! New products, new campaign, new information, new leaders, new people, but same culture, same mission, same vision, same values were present, always.

This is what the stage looks like!

We have been using the compaign, we are the measureable difference, right? Well this time they did one better! We are 'the difference demonstrated!'

Gues who I met up with...? Hock Seng and Nancy, Blue Diamonds from Singapore!

The day started with Blake sharing about how Napoleon Dzombe, was visionary in creating schools and villages to help eliminate povertfy and malnourished children! The work that Nu Skin does is truly amazing, and to be awarded the Stevies Award again for the Best Corporate Social Responsibility Program for the Nourish The Children Initiative really shows Nu Skin's commitment to giving back to the society.

Later, something really surprising happened, I was called out to the stage to have a few minutes with Blake Roney, Founder and Chairman of NSE, and to 10,000 people! Blake asked me a few questions; here's a picture of it. The video was too big to download. I was so nervous and a little scared! But Blake was such a great person, he was fun! Made jokes and made me feel welcomed... I really couldn't believe how fortunate it was for me to have this opportunity to be on stage with Blake, but then I realised that we are all so very fortunate to be a part of this amazing company and be among so many great people, I felt humbled and honored to stand there representing all of us. Representing MADE!

The company is launching some really powerful training online!!! Called...

You can see if from your GWP. 12 lessons that will help change mindset and attitude towards the business. Check it out! Sign up with the GWP before October to get this FREE! I think that is something so powerful that you want to listen to it each day! It's just like The Secret, teaching us the fundamentals of what it takes to succeed in Nu Skin!

These are the showcases for products at the convention, looks like a park inside a building doesn't it?

Here's a short video of the place.

We have great new product launches!

The New Tru Face Essense Ultra is 25% bigger, with CO Q10, TeGreen97 etc.

The new Galvanic Spa II Black Ex - Very cool!!!! Joseph Chang, codename 007 introduced the new gadget to us.... ha ha ha!

You may have heard that we actually took the scanner to Everest to scan. But did you know that there is no electrical power on the Everest? So how did they do it? And also due to the extrememe temperatures, the p-cal couldn't really work too! But because of Pharmanex's committment to science and technology, they were able to learn a tremendous amount of information and were able to use it. This is the Scanner they assembled to use on the Highest Place in the WORLD!

They used Solar cells to power the scanner and rerdesigned the calibration and the ruggedness of the device to withstand the pressures and vibrations. And with that technology, Nu Skin has launched the Scanner 2 Everest Edition!

The special thing about this eddition, is that it doesn't need P-Cal! So more time to so spend sharing and discussing about the product. All new S2's will have this upgrade, while existing S2's can get an upgrade.

We have already scanned almost 7 million people worldwide!!!

This is the new Jungamals SCS; which means that it carries the same guarentee as LifePak and g3! Now, kids health can be guarenteed. We are the Difference Demonstrated!

Don't you wish you were here? Not to worry! Plan for the next convention and bring everyone over! It's a totally different experience and feeling!

That's it for today! But before that, Sandie Tilotson mentioned this quote:

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give and do for others."

I think that is exactly the attitude and culture in Nu SKin Enterprises. All of us and our example is really a testimonial to being a Force For Good in this world, so that when we say,

"We are the DIFFERENCE DEMONSTRATED"... we really mean it!



The Corporate Tour

We arrived at Nu Skin Enterprises corporate head quarters in Provo in the afternoon from Clara McDermott's house. The 1st place we visited was the Nu Skin Distribution Center. Now this place is huge! Don't believe me, check it out...

This place can process 50,000 orders a month. That's huge!

The next place is a IT center that controls the Nu Skin network. Now this next picture will blow you away...

What do you think that is? It's actually a command center that monitors all the networks and systems running the entire Nu Skin business all over the world! Amazing! No one has a system like this in place, but Nu Skin! Imagine how well they take care of the system that runs your business!

They don't take chances on the data too! Even that is stored in somewhere safe. How safe? How about in a mountain, in the Rockies? Here's a Nu Skin employee explaining it to us. It's actually different when you hear it from the company instead of a distributor...

After that we went to the "HIGH RISE". They call the corporate office this, because it is a high rise in Provo, not many buildings are so tall. And here I am after almost 5 years in the business!

It's a great feeling to be standing here, touching the marble and walking in the building, you feel a sense of belonging and warmth. Everyone is so nice and friendly and they let you walk in the office and see how they work. You JUST got to be here to experience it yourself!

Here's a video of Blakes office:

Amazing view of the mountains and such a fun room! What a Great Combination of styles and passion. Not surprising coming from a person that has created a company like Nu Skin, with solid science and a caring culture!

Before I finish this episode, this is the 'statue'. The Force For Good and the Globe and held up by Nu Skin's fountain of Youth.

Be a Force For Good!



A Library of People

Clara and Jim (husband) with the Malaysian Team.

What would you do if you had a library with 6000+ books? And looked like this?

Why not invite all your distributors to come and enjoy it? And that was what Clara McDermott, Team Elite, USD20M Circle Member (the 1st Distributor) did!

We came to her house, mansion or park... well, it was big! It had a football field, a huge pond that you can ride a bought on, 5 buildings (including a children house), indoor swimming pool, etc.

It was BIG! It had to be BIG, why? Because the DREAM was BIG!

Most have a swimming pool... but an indoor one?!

I've included several videos from Clara's speech here to have you listen to her as a person who has been through obstacles and challenges and has come out on top. We each face different challenges in this business, but the key is how you look at them as a problem or an opportunity.

"You need to FIGHT the challenging times!" - Clara McDermott

As I listen to Clara's sharing, I realise how humble she is and how clear she is in her goals. At her position, she can only enjoy up to 6+1 levels, but yet she is so giving and inspiring to all the many many generations in that library room today. It made me think how complete this company is. In it's culture, belief and values.

Clara constantly reminded us of being thankful and always be in gratitude to everyone around you for the things they bring to the table and to our lives. Being thankful creates more abundance and peace!

And as we think we have learned all that we can, I found that we can always, unlearn and relearn and regrow. While waiting for the bus to come pick us up, I noticed a strange thing on a old tree. It was a single leaf that had grown out from the hard and old bark on the trunk.

Even a tree understood it all! :)

Magic at Las Vegas!

We all stayed at the Excalibur Hotel! It was a HUGE hotel, the casino floor was so big, I think it was 2 football fields in area. Nope... I didn't win... I didn't loose either... I didn't even play! :) After watching Ocean's Eleven and Thirteen, the place was a little easier to relate to.

After dinner with Melissa, President of Nu Skin S.E.A , Darren & Brendon, from Nu Skin Coporate in charge of Product Sales, SiewLee from Nu Skin Singapore, Evita from Nu Skin Philipine and Mary Tan, Blue Diamond, we walked to MGM for a special event! Before that here's the the skyline of New York in Las Vegas ?!?!

Here's a not too good video of the famous Strip in Las vegas.

Later we went to watch David Copperfield! Yes! Honestly, David looks older then before... but the show as always, AMAZING! From making a car to appear on stage with people surrounding the stage to moving 10 people from the stage to standing 30 feet behind me, in a split second had me thinking about it the whole night! He has sold the MOST number of tickets than ANY other performer in history! That is incredible!

I think the key thing to know is that David Copperfield is so successful, is that he started when he was 14. And he DECIDED to be the BEST Magician in the world. So he practiced and practiced and perfected his art and work until today, he is flawless. It's not just about the entertainment, it's about his HEART to be the best and constantly challenging himself and not to listen to those who didn't believe in him.

Did you know that you are creating magic everyday? Just by MAKING A DIFFERENCE EVERYDAY is all it takes to create MAGIC. Try it! When you help some one achieve their DREAMS, that's MAGIC!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

A Dream Come True...

I arrived in Las Vegas and I made it just in time to meet the 130 people going to this special visit.

Did you ever think of being a Captain of a Pirate ship when you were a kid?

May be not a Pirate, but did you have a dream to be somebody? To live in a castle? To drive a F1? Or to sit on the beach and enjoy the sunset everyday?

Well, Craig Tilitson, Team Elite and USD20M Circle Member made his dream come true!

This is Pirate's Cover! It is almost a theme park, just without the theme park ticket counters! It's hard to imagine all this in a place in a desert! There are multiple levels, a ship, slide, jacuzzi, several pools and 6 to 7 buildings surrounding it. You got to come to see it. Here's a video clip to check it out:

Here are some pictures of the team. Bima and family were there, Sandy Martinez, John & Junis too!

So, if you still have the DREAM, no matter how crazy it may seem... No matter how big it is, how ridiculous it may be, no matter if anyone says its not possible, no matter if you get 1000 rejections or obstacles. KEEP DREAMING IT!

And one day, just like Craig, you can make it happen! And when that day happens... we'll all drink to your success! Sandy and I cheering you on! :)

After a tiring day but exciting day, we later board the bus and went back to Las Vegas.
Stay tuned for more!